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its me Member Name: farteater Member ID: 007067
Caucasian, 55, Married cleveland, Ohio, United States

Personal Details
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Children: 2
Religion: Catholic
Drinking: Regular drinker
Smoking: Non smoker
Food: Vegetarian
Occupation: Advert/Media/Entertain
Education: High school
Languages: Belgian (Minimal)
Belgian (Spoken only)
Cantonese (Spoken only)
Estonian (Spoken only)
Interests: Yoga / Meditation
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Other
Body Type: Athletic
Height: 5'7''-5'11'' (170cm-180cm)

farteater is offline
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Last activity: offline

General Information
i look good

Looking for
i am looking for a lady eho aga
Gender: Female
Age From: 18
Age To: 80
Long Term Relationship

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