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dreadlocked madman from the moors Member Name: wilddreadguy Member ID: 004211
Caucasian, 50, Single castleton, Outside United States, United Kingdom

Personal Details
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Children: 1
Religion: Other
Drinking: Regular drinker
Smoking: Non smoker
Food: Non Vegetarian
Occupation: Other
Education: Bachelors Degree
Languages: English (Fluent)
Interests: Nature
Arts / Crafts
Music - Alternative
Music - Rock
Hiking / Camping
Literature / History
Music - Gothic
Music - Industrial
Music - Industrial
Music - Electronic
Familiars - Dog
Familiars - Reptile
Familiars - Other
Hair - Long
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'7''-5'11'' (170cm-180cm)

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General Information
Heellll...Where to start? I've recently left a professional
career to pursue my ambition of being one of the worlds
greatest tattooists, (I've been 5 years through art college,
plus art history degree, shit hot artist and I've had a
tattoo apprenticeship years ago!)I live alone with my
partner in crime, Grendel (big stripey greyhound thing!)in
my own wibbly wobbly world of weirdness on the north yorks
moors. It's stunning where I live. I also have a daughter,
7, who stays with me on alternate weekends and has inherited
her dad's love for art and wandering round old castle ruins.
I have a love for cooking, and am the god of Thai and Indian
curries. I also have other pets, including 2 snakes, a coral
reef, plus my daughter has some tropical fish and rabbits..
Jeez! I am a really laid back, easy going guy who is sincere
and faithful, I've got no time for cheats and liers, been
there, felt the pain. I am really looking for a woman
between the ages of 18 - 36, slim and beautiful (don't want
much, huh?)to share fun times with. I don't do one night
stands or NSA sex. Have to say that, as I had to come off
another site due to being harassed by sex starved 50 year
old walruses! Interested? Message me. I message everyone
back who contacts me, I hate impolite people who ignore!
I'm 5'10". I have dark red dyed dreadlocks (real not fake
sh!t) that are about 18" long at their longest. I am not a
kinny emo boy, I weigh in at about 14 stones as I am broad
shouldered, used to do Karate until gettting a knee
cartilage injury (ouch!) and use my weight bench once a day!

Looking for
I have no preconceptions about what a reltionship should be,
however I do need someone to be truthful, faithful, open
minded in many ways, able to accept me for who I am and not
want to change me, be accepting of the fact that I have a
daughter. I don't mind travelling to see people but like to
keep it to approx 50 miles radius from me....
Gender: Female
Age From: 18
Age To: 36
Long Term Relationship
Casual - Dating
Casual - Intimate

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