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I'm not gothic..BUT! I love love love gothic men. Member Name: dasSchicksal Member ID: 004232
Mixed Race, 33, Single Renton, Washington, United States

Personal Details
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Race: Mixed Race
Marital Status: Single
Children: 0
Religion: Other
Drinking: Light/social drinker
Smoking: Non smoker
Food: Non Vegetarian
Occupation: Self-Employed/Business Owner
Education: Technical training/Diploma
Languages: English (Fluent)
German (Some)
Interests: Photography
BDSM - Whips & Chains
Music - Electronic
Music - Industrial
Music - Industrial
Music - Gothic
Singing / Playing Instrument
Football / Soccer / Rugby
Music - Rock
Music - Alternative
Arts / Crafts
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Ample
Height: 5'2''-5'6'' (157cm-169cm)

dasSchicksal is offline
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Last activity: offline

General Information
I\'m a strong-willed, honest, loyal and open-minded young
woman. I have a big and I care about the people that are in
my life no matter what. My friends and family say that I\'m
somewhat to trusting of others. I\'m an artistic person and
I love everything that has to do with art. I was born and
raised in Washington. I\'ve lived in Las Vegas, Nevada and
Coachella, California but it wasn\'t for me. So now I\'m
back in Washington State.
I\'m 5\'3, I have curves and I love them! My hair is pretty
short at the moment because I went crazy with some shears
one day. No sweat though, it\'ll grow back. I have brown
almond shaped eyes. I wear what I want to wear. I\'m known
for wearing extra bright makeup. Most days I have a way of
showing off my body without showing any skin. Other days I
like to show a tiny bit of skin. I have no clue what my best
feature would be.

Looking for
The MOST important thing I seek while in relationships or
friends for that matter is honesty. I\'m looking for a guy
who knows how to have fun. One who isn\'t afraid to laugh at
himself if he\'s made a mistake. I have a thing for really
pale and tall men. I\'m looking for someone who can be
playful and seriously. Someone who isn\'t scared to put his
foot down. It would be awesome if you loved art as much as I
do but if you don\'t then that\'s okay too. I\'m looking for
someone who lives in Washington State also. Can you be this
for me?
Gender: Male
Age From: 18
Age To: 24
Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Casual - Dating
Casual - Intimate

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