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Think Outside the Box Member Name: LiquidFlower Member ID: 002370
Caucasian, 49, Single Denver, Colorado, United States

Personal Details
Gender: Female
Age: 49
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Children: 0
Religion: Other
Drinking: Light/social drinker
Smoking: Non smoker
Food: Non Vegetarian
Occupation: Education & Science
Education: Graduate/Masters Degree
Interests: Photography
Music - Gothic
Music - Rock
Music - Alternative
Museums / Galleries
Arts / Crafts
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Other
Body Type: Average
Height: 6'0'' (183cm) or above

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General Information
I am a straight forward individual who is focused and driven
(very type-A personality with some New Yorker mixed in), but
that doesn't mean that I don't like to have fun or have a
quirky side to me - because I do on both accounts. I do my
best to not let anything stop me from what I want in life. I
am not into drama thank you. I also very much prefer games
on the tabletop or in the field, not of the mind unless
messing with others just for the hell of it. I'm a
teacher, so summers off allows me to travel and do what I
want, when it want and how I want it. I'm into experiencing
new things like white water rafting (though due to my
pastiness I sizzle in the sun) and possibly next summer will
be skydiving and seeing more of Europe - we'll see.
I'm 6'0 and like to wear platforms. Being an amazonian
goddess suits me. Generally my hair is either on the purple
or blue side depending on my mood. Clothing style - well,
tasteful with a skull twist at work, but totally cas'ed out
when at home.

Looking for
I am looking for some one who is easy to talk to and who is
not afraid to express themselves, down to earth (most of the
time), likes to go out and do things, but also doesn't mind
staying in, watch a good movie and just chill out. A
slightly twisted sense of humor couldn't hurt either. I do
prefer a guy who is as tall or taller than me, especially on
platform shoe wearing occasions. Like I stated above, I'm
totally a type-A, so those way on the other end of the
spectrum drive me up the wall with all their major
indecisiveness. I dig those who know what they want and are
able to make the decision to go for it.
Gender: Male
Age From: 28
Age To: 36
Long Term Relationship
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